For men over 40 or 50, Cialis for sale can be particularly effective, as age-related decreases in blood flow and testosterone can contribute to ED. Many older men find Cialis helpful in maintaining intimacy and quality of life, provided it is used under proper medical guidance to account for any age-related health conditions.



Activities, Amenities and Yogi Bear™

Thank you for your interest in Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resort, South Haven, Michigan. The main focus of a Jellystone Park™ is the entertainment value that it provides. We strive to provide activities from sun-up to sundown.  We love to hear moms tell us that their kids were so tired that they were in bed by 8:30 pm!

Most of our Activities are included with your stay.  With that being said, there is some confusion between activities and amenities.  Examples of activities that we offer:

  • Bear appearance, 2-3 times (or more) per day,
  • Crafts (Sand Art, Button Making, Suncatchers, Pet Rocks, Magnets, etc.)
  • Outdoor organized recreational games (Gaga Ball, 4 square, carpetball, parachute, etc.)  and some are messy too!
  • Hey, Hey, Hey Rides & Fire Truck Rides Daily during In-Season and Peak time periods.
  • Night Activities (flashlight games, candy hunts, night walks, movies and cartoons, etc.)
  • BINGO – we play many different kinds of BINGO, but our favorite is Candy Bar BINGO.  Therefore, it does take a regular size candy bar to play.  Other BINGO, may cost money, depending on the type that it is.
  • Special Appearances – face painters, a reptile show, mermaid in the pool, magic shows, rock climbing wall, dunk tank or dance instructors are some of the special shows that we offer depending on the week’s theme.
  • Music – Jump & Jam, Karaoke, DJ and/or dancing.  These are usually offered 1-2 times a week, and depends on schedule available.
  • Campfire Cooking – 90% of these are free.  We have, usually 2 of these each week, that we provide everything that you need.  Once in a while, we ask our guests to supply the banana for the banana boat or the orange for the cake in the fire.  We always make sure that they are available to purchase in the store or cafe, for convenience!

Activities that have a higher cost point, are passed onto our guests.  We try to do only 1 or 2 of these each day.  We also try to just cover our costs on these activities:

  • T-Shirt Art- This can include Tie Dye, Colortime® (fabric markers), and Spin-T’s.  There is a $2 fee to schedule your tie-dye class.  T-Shirts run from $6.99 to $12.99.
  • Ceramics- The ceramic bisque runs from magnets for $3.99 to large size ceramic bisque for $17.99.  This covers the paint/brushes used as well.
  • Mystic Lights – This is a colorful plastic puzzle that becomes a light when put together.  There perfect to hang outside from your RV or cottage, or hang it from the ceiling in your room.  Most come with a light bulb.  Mystic Lights run from $5 to $60 each. These are geared for our teens and adult age level due to the complexity of the puzzle.
  • Most of our activities for our teens come with an added cost.  Unfortunately, our teens usually do not like cheap activities or crafts that are more economical to prepare. Therefore, the crafts that appeal to that age bracket, often have an added cost to them.

AMENITIES are something different from our activity program, as we offer many AMENITIES at the resort. Some guests get confused between Activities and Amenities.  We are not an all-inclusive Resort. We feel that we offer extra amenities for those that seek it and want them.  We do not feel that it is fair to charge everyone for the amenities and only 1/2 of them use them.

The AMENITIES that are FREE, are:

Outdoor Recreation – We offer Gaga Ball, Corn Hole, Horseshoes, Sand Volleyball, Full Court Basketball, Pickleball, Badminton, Tennis, Carpetball, and Disc Golf.  Don’t have equipment?  It’s okay, just sign it out, it’s FREE!

Jumping Pillow – We have 2!  One is just for the little ones, must be under 48″ to jump on our “Little Jumping Pillow”.  Our larger pillow is great exercise and good for all ages!

Kids Corral – Our Kids Corral even has a sand hill!  Kids can sit in sand and play all day long!

Pool – We have a beach entry pool, that is perfect for the young and old alike.  There are plenty of chairs and lounges for everyone, we even have some for the little people!

The AMENITIES that have an added cost are:

Arcade Alley – Arcade Alley is our video arcade. Like all arcades, it has an added fee.  We do try to make it easy though… we offer a Cashless Card to swipe at each game.  This cashless card does have some saving packages on the kiosk, the more you spend, the more value that is placed on the card!

Bike Rental – We offer many (50-70) fun bikes to rent.  These bikes are different than the bikes that you ride at home. To keep costs down, we offer a wristband for this, it is only $12.95 for the Basic Wristband.  These bikes can be rented 30 minutes at a time, all day long.  Although, these bikes are not yours alone or they cannot be kept at your site. You can try all the different bikes, to see which one is your favorite.  We offer different packages with food and souvenir cups, just ask!  Don’t worry, you can bring your own favorite bike, too!

Laser Tag – This is a high-tech game of hide and seek.  Fun for all ages 7 and up is recommended.  We offer many different packages, need just a single game?  Single games are $7, but if you want to play more, we offer packages of 5 games for $30, 10 games for $55, and 20 games for only $100.  A waiver is needed to be electrically signed for each individual that plays.

Paintball – Hoping to make its debut in 2020!  This is for the big kids for sure.  We rent equipment and we sell paintballs.  If you’re interested in this, be sure to check out the website for pricing!  A waiver is needed to be electrically signed for each individual that plays.

RC Track – Do you have your own car?  Bring it!  Otherwise, you can rent one of ours!  $15 for the first battery and $5 for the second battery, when purchased at the same time.

Triple K Raceway – This is a great track just for our hobby car enthusiasts!  You just need to bring your Tamiya battery operated car or purchase one of ours for a great time on track!

Water Wars® – This is a great way to cool off, but you do need balloons.  We offer these in the Ranger Station for only 50 for $3 and 100 for $5 (includes tax)!​​​​​​​

Mining Sleuth – Who doesn’t like mining for rocks, gems and fossils?  This is a great way to learn about each of these, while having fun too!  You can purchase a bag for as little as $4.99, or get a bucket or mother lode for the family, for only $21.99!

Concrete Ping Pong Table – This is a great table for all to enjoy, located just outside of Arcade Alley.  Just bring a ping pong ball or purchase one in Arcade Alley for only 50¢.

Bear Appearances – We have many to choose from…. Whether it is a Cookie Bear Delivery after a Hey Hey Hey Ride or it is a Bear Tuck-In, we are sure to make it a hit with your little one!  Check out our website for details:  Bear Appearances

Photo Op with a Bear – For only $5, you can take a memento home!  Take your pic from a small framed photo, key chain or magnet.  Perfect to give to grandma for Christmas too!

Gift Delivery with a Bear – Sometimes we offer a gift delivery during Easter or Christmas in July.  Those have an added cost to them and can be pre-ordered.

Birthday Parties – Birthday Parties is just another way we do Bear Appearances!  We do birthday parties for a 1 year old, as well as the 89-year-old!  Yogi Bear™ will be a hit, regardless of how old they are.  Check out our website for details:  Birthday Parties

Cartoon Cafe – We have a full-service restaurant on site!  We offer your espresso in the morning, to Broaster® Chicken for lunch or dinner.  We have the common foods of: hamburgers, hot dogs, fresh cut fries to name a few.  Need dessert?  We got you covered!  Shakes, Malts, Banana Splits, soft serve and hard ice cream.  Need a smoothie or a Pizza?  We got that too!

Please note, that we try to be as transparent as possible.  Sometimes changes may happen due to the rising costs of supplies, postage/freight and employment.  Always know, we strive to give you a clean, family centered camping in a entertaining environment.

By |February 2nd, 2020|Categories: Activities|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Activities, Amenities and Yogi Bear™

Notice to Campers…

Adjacent to our campground property, they “TransCanada” are replacing the pipeline that is in the ground.  We have very little to do with project, but it is because of us and the amount of people that are on the property, is why they are here.  They are mandated by the Federal Government to stay compliant with Federal Regulations.  The hours are posted in the letter below from TransCanada .  Please note, they will not be working during the Memorial Day Holiday.

By |April 17th, 2019|Categories: General|Comments Off on Notice to Campers…

South Haven Area Easter Egg Spectacular at Jellystone Park™


An Eggstra Special Day is planned for the public at Jellystone Park™!  Join us for an Easter Egg Spectacular on Sunday, April 21, 2019 at Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resort.  The resort is located on the corner of Phoenix Road and 64th Street, just 4.2 miles East of South Haven.

The Easter Egg Hunt and activities will take place at the resort from 2 pm to 5 pm on Easter Sunday.  This fun filled day will be fun for all ages with plenty of photo opportunities with Yogi Bear™ and our very special guest… the Easter Bunny!  There will be activities for the kids of all ages, as well as crafts and an Easter egg hunt for kids of walking age through 6th grade.  Itinerary and age brackets will be given out at entrance upon arrival.

“Easter is one of my favorite holidays”, states Susan Novotny, who owns the park with her husband, Kyle.  “Since Easter falls on our opening weekend, we are offering two identical Egg Spectacular Weekends this year for our campers.  We hope to offer this on an annual basis because they are so much fun.  Who doesn’t like the night time glow egg hunts, egg decorating, egg and candy hunts, messy egg games, just to name a few things that will be taking place the first 2 weeks of the season.”

 “We used to have egg and candy hunt where ever we were camping.  Our girls were so amazed that the Easter Bunny knew where they were.”  She states that is one of the joys of owning a campground, “we get to see that in the eyes of the child every day.”  Our motto at the resort is “Where family memories are made” and I believe that full heartedly” states Susan.

If there are businesses or organizations that are interested in volunteering or donating candy, plastic eggs, prizes or monetary donations please call/email Karen Barker.  Karen can be reached at 269-637-6153 x 114 or via email at:

Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resorts are franchised exclusively by Leisure Systems, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. The system is the second largest campground operation in the U.S., with over 80 independently owned and operated facilities in North America.  South Haven Jellystone Park™ is open for the season starting April 15th through October 30th.


YOGI BEAR and all related characters and elements © & ™ Hanna-Barbera. (s19)

By |March 21st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on South Haven Area Easter Egg Spectacular at Jellystone Park™

What’s New for South Haven Jellystone Park for 2019?

Every year we try to bring something new to the park…  Offer a new amenity, purchase new equipment for our guests to use or enjoy.  This year is no different…

With that being said, we are finally working on the building that is next to us.  The back end will have an indoor Laser Tag arena.  We will continue to have the outdoor arena for Laser Tag but we will now have an indoor laser tag arena!  No more cancelled games due to rain or for the arena being too wet, not to mention Mosquitos!  We also have new laser tag equipment coming as well – 24 guns!  That is more guns/taggers than we have had before.  With this equipment we will be able to have different games and easier to operate as well.

The Bears have been invited to a Wedding at the campground!  This year our favorite youngest daughter, Kylie is getting married.  This is something new for us, having never experienced this before.  We will be welcoming a new son into our lives!  His name is Jimmy and the big day will be on September 7, 2019.  For this reason, we are completing the back half of the building that is attached to our property.  This area will become the NEWThe Barn at the Resort – South Haven.  This Event Center will have 3500 square foot area that will accommodate about 240 people.  It will not be completely done with it this year, as in the outside finishing touches but the inside will be done in time for the summer of 2019.  We have a half moon barn with original wood showing thru that is perfect for the wedding ceremony.  So far, the first person that will use The Barn at the Resort will be our favorite oldest daughter, Katie.  Katie will be graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC on May 18th.  There she will receive her Doctorate in Pharmacy!  Katie will be having her graduation party at The Barn at the Resort in June.  We are extremely proud of our girls and wish them the best with the new chapters that they are starting.

As some of you may know, there is a gas pipeline that goes through our property and they will be working on the back side of the property.  We will have to wait for them to complete their work before we can add the Paintball field.  Unfortunately the timeline for them to work has changed and they will not be able to complete their project until the middle of June.  With that being said, if there is no delays, that starts to become a busier time at the campground and hoping we will be able to start the Paintball field.  So cross your fingers and hope that 2019 will be the year to complete paintball arena!   **Please note that this is not our doing but something that the pipeline must do to be compliant with the federal government.  They will be working hard to not disturb our guests.  They will not be working during the Memorial Day Weekend, as well as taking Saturdays off during the time frame that they will be there April-June.  The pipeline will be working at the Northeast corner of our property, beyond the current laser tag field.

The next improvement you may or may not notice is new software, sorta behind the scenes…  Once in place you will be able to register and schedule for Birthday Parties or Bear Appearances at any register and hopefully online.  This will also allow you to book your laser tag games through out the park, as well as online.  We hope that the software will be easier to use, as well as allowing our guests and families, a more Cashless system.  This will allow you (the parents) to put money on card for the little ones to use.  This will also allow us, South Haven Jellystone, to keep track of your purchases to make sure you get the proper credit for your Jellystone Rewards.  One of the changes with this that you may notice, is in the bike area.  If all goes according to plan, our Jr Ranger will be able to scan the wristband and then scan the bike to check the bikes in and out.

Staff training continues to be of utmost importance and this year we are starting a new software to assist us with that.  Being a seasonal business that starts slow makes it difficult to train.  With this program, we will be able to make sure that every team member receives that same training, regardless of when they start.  As always at this time of year, we are busy interviewing and hiring Great Team Members to assist our guests!

There has been some updates to our reservation software, allowing us to truly have an express check-in.  We will be trialing it in the spring, hoping to decrease time in line.  As long as you sign prior to arrival, you will be all set for express check-in.  We will have more on this later.

We have a couple of new crafts coming your way… These are for our Teens and Adults….   Leather craft is one and the other some metal stamping…  We found a new vendor for some cute ceramic magnets coming this year and they are a little cheaper too!   We continue to add more to our activity schedules on a daily basis, making sure to keep everyone busy.  Hopefully you notice some new theme weeks this year, as well as moving some of the favorites around.   My favorite is the two weeks of our Egg Spectacular Weekends in April!



By |March 11th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on What’s New for South Haven Jellystone Park for 2019?

RV Shows

It is that time of year that many RV shows are taking place.  Now is time to check them out!  We are currently at MARVAC’s 53rd annual RV & Camping Show, located at the Suburban Collections Showcase in Novi, Michigan.  Whether you are looking for a Pop-Up, Travel Trailer or a Motorhome, they have it all here.  What a great way to get out from the cold weather of winter and enjoy the day reminiscing about your favorite summer activity…camping!  RV shows are a family event, so pack of the kids

Attending an RV show is perfect to compare prices of the local dealers, while checking out all the new features that are being offered on the units. Here they will assist you in finding the right unit for your pocketbook.  Bring the family, let them try out the bunkbeds and lofts, while mom and dad check out the kitchen and outdoor cooking and TV area.

Pop-Up Trailer

Travel Trailer

Class B Motorhome








Class C Motorhome

Class A Motorhome

5th Wheel Travel Trailer








Air Stream Trailer

Retro Travel Trailer

Park Model








They have educational classes offered daily from wifi connectivity in your RV, innovative products to make your RV lifestyle easier, along with tips for the RV’ers.

Educational Classes



At this RV Show, along with other shows, there are plenty of booths to shop from.  Need a part for your RV, a new sun room, or portable TV?  Maybe you want to get a personalized Mystic Light to hang on your RV.  You can even help out the schools and buy your Michigan Lottery Ticket here.  You can get it all here and more.  It is a one stop shop for RV lovers….

Michigan Lottery

Mystic Lights


Of course an RV show would not be complete without campgrounds!  Here you can pick up literature from a variety of campgrounds.  Be sure to check out different areas to explore!  If you want to check out other Jellystone Parks, there are 3 others besides us, to talk to.  At our booth you can obtain literature on Birthday Parties, Recreation that we offer, and our Halloween Spooktacular Weekends (7 this year!).  Best part is the great vinyl bag that we are handing out!

South Haven Jellystone Park

Can’t make this one?  Then check-out these other RV Shows...

32nd Battle Creek RV & Camping Show
February 28-March 3, 2019 at the Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek, Mich.

24th Port Huron RV & Camping Show
March 7-10, 2019 at the Blue Water Convention Center in Port Huron, Mich.

42nd Annual Flint RV & Camping Show
March 14-17, 2019 at the Dort Federal Credit Union Event Center in Flint, Mich.

27th Annual Northwest Michigan RV & Camping Show
March 22-24, 2019 at the Grand Traverse County Civic Center in Traverse City, Mich.

#jellystonepark #southhavenmi #southhavenjellystone#MARVACRVshows

By |February 10th, 2019|Categories: RV Shows|Comments Off on RV Shows
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